Please take this JPF designed survey to give feedback to Friends of the Parks and the Chicago Park District on the replacement of the Austin/Foster play lot. This play lot has funding for a full replacement, which is scheduled to begin later this summer. Please leave any comments in the survey or in the comments below.
I’m having a problem scrolling up within the survey monkey window on my iPhone. I plan on completing the survey on my desktop, but wanted to make you aware of a possible error on the survey that might affect completion rates if people are only using mobile devices.
We will look into it. This is the first time we’ve embedded a surveymonkey on our website.
Also having problems on iPhone. Maybe post the survey link as well as embedding it?
Here’s the link:
Bill, here is the link:
Wasn’t the playground just redone about 15 years ago? Fix the damn ball field first
We don’t have any control over how the funds get allocated or spent. We were asked simply to reach out to the community to gather input. I’ll certainly record your comment on the ball field. Thanks.
I don’t suppose they will be relocating the playground to a less busy corner within the park?…or moved further away from the streets? I have to say..that was a big reason why I never took my kids there. That corner is loud and extremely busy. Nevertheless, glad to hear a park around here is getting a facelift.
I’m not sure. We’ll forward that comment on though.
Is there going to be a basketball court for the children and teens in the neighborhood.
Not to my knowledge. We were only asked to provide feedback on the playground.