About Jefferson Park Forward

Jefferson Park Forward is an active neighborhood association in Jefferson Park, Chicago, IL whose mission is to drive positive change to create a vibrant and inclusive community. Through a commitment to supporting local resources and businesses, gathering neighbors for social and educational events, and volunteering, Jefferson Park Forward seeks to be a voice for our members and our community.
Our Goals
Jefferson Park Forward is committed to the revitalization of our community. We:

- Gather neighbors to learn about local projects and share information in a friendly, apolitical environment.
- Create volunteer opportunities to support local nonprofits and community resources.
- Partner with and promote local businesses and attractions.
- Embrace an open-minded approach to new ideas, proposals, and smart development.
- Nurture arts and culture in the community.
- Serve as a voice of our members.
Jefferson Park Forward is represented by a ten-member Board of Directors. Our Officers and Directors are:
Kim Vavrick – President
Donald Faliszek – Vice-President
Katie Hoy Stratton – Treasurer
Jennifer Faliszek – Secretary
Maggie Daly Skogsbakken – President Emeritus
Susanna Ernst
Eric Gomoll
Rolando Rodriguez
Robb Van Hook
Our Committees
Our working committees help Jefferson Park Forward fulfill our mission and meet our vision. The committees operate across a variety of interests and activities. They are:
Visit our Community Page to learn more about our neighborhood.